Hello ChangeIP.com Clients,


While making some improvements to our products and services, we recently encountered some issues with our fraud prevention and payment processing systems.

This resulted in some clients not being able to use their credit/debit cards to process any transactions. 

We have made the necessary fixes to address those issues. 

Even if you were not previously affected, because your credit/debit cards are stored with our payment processing company rather than on-site with ChangeIP, to continue paying by card you will need to update your payment information at your earliest convenience.

You can reenter your credit/debit card info by: 


  1. Logging into your account
  2. Click on the Billing tab
  3. Click on Payment Methods
  4. Add new Credit/Debit Card number 
  5. Click Save


Once you have saved your info, your payments will be processed as usual.

Please accept our apologies in advance for any issues you might run into. 

If you experience any issues with updating your information, please upload any details or screenshots so we can better assist you.


Thank you for sticking with us,


ChangeIP Operations 

Friday, March 4, 2022

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