Due to an update in how we handle DDNS API requests, we are no longer able to support the original 'rinker.sh wget 1.0' from 2009. That script has served us and many others well over the years, but, unfortunately it has come time for an update. Here are a number of ways to replace old rinker.sh and keep your ddns updates going. 

Switch to the new rinker.sh curl script. 

We have updated the original script to use curl instead of wget. You can find it under our downloads section or by clicking HERE for the direct download. 

Switch to ddclient

Tried and true, this continues to work with our service. This is also hosted under our downloads section or by clicking HERE for the direct download. 

*** The following options are not supported by our Tech Team ***

For those that want to keep using wget and aren't afraid to modify a little code on their own.  These updates aren't supported, but, should do the job for advanced users. Our tech team is unable to provide support for the old rinker.sh wget 1.0 script or any changes made or suggested below. 

Update rinker.sh #1

Update your wget fetch string to be 'wget -q -U "rinker.sh wget 1.0.1" -O $TEMP https://nic.changeip.com/nic/update?u=$CIPUSER&p=CIPPASS&set=$CIPSET"

Update rinker.sh #2

Update your current rinker.sh script so your wget parameters includes '--auth-no-challenge'

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

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