DDNS API Information

ChangeIP.com Dynamic DNS Update Protocol & Specifications
The following specifications outline the syntax that Dynamic DNS update clients should use to update host records.  Transactions can be performed in normal HTTP or SSL-encrypted HTTPS.  A full HTTP request must be sent, and the response should be interpreted and not ignored.  It is preferable that you use HTTPS and Bsae64 encoding for authentication so that your username and password can be encrypted in transmission.

Dynamic DNS Update URLs: (Preferable to use https for username / password security)



Query String Parameters:  (Note:  All parameters are optional.  Defaults are noted below.)
u=                         Your User ID.  (Optional)
If not specified in query string you must supply Base64 encoded basic authentication.  Only specify on query string if you absolutely have to.  For security reasons it is advisable to Base64 encode your username and password information.
p=                         Your Password.  (Optional)
If not specified in query string you must supply Base64 encoded basic authentication.  Only specify on query string if you absolutely have to.  For security reasons it is advisable to Base64 encode your username and password information.
ip= or myip=         Explicit IP Address.  (Optional)
This is the IP address that will be used for updates to the record set.  If omitted your detected IP address will be used.  Please be advised that if you are behind a proxy and we detect your IP address we might be using the proxy server address, not your real address.

hostname=           Single Hostname.  (Optional)
A single hostname to update.  Use *1 or *2 for updating Sets.  If you omit this parameter and do not specify a set number then everything in set #1 will be updated by default.
set=                      Dynamic Set #.  (Optional)
An integer specifying which set of hostnames to update.  Currently we support Set 1 and 2.  This parameter allows you to update many hosts at once with a single update command.
offline=                 Offline Status.  (Optional)
Specify a 1 if you would like to update all records with offline address.  The offline address can be an IP, CName, or URL.  This preference is located in your account setup.
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