Updating Registrar/WHOIS Information

-If you registered your domain prior to 10/01/2013 then you will need to open a helpdesk ticket for any changes you wish to make to your registrar contact information (The information that shows up when doing a 'whois' on the domain in question).

-If you registered your domain after 10/01/2013 You can edit this information by logging into your account on the changeip.com website and choosing 'My Domain Registrations'. This will provide you with a list of your registered domains. From this list you can choose the domain in question via the checkbox on the left side and open the drop down box that is below the domains and choose "Edit Contact Information". This will allow you to provide custom information for 'Admin', 'Tech', and 'Billing' that will show up when someone does a "whois" on your domain.  Once the information has been updated on our system the updates should be almost instantaneous as we update with the registry in real time.
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